Everything noteworthy, of interest or important ends up stuck to our refrigerator door. Some things are temporary and get a magnet. Other things are more permanent and get scotch tape. In looking at the haphazard display, I see a representation of my life. It's sort of like a scrapbook page...
A picture of Steve & I - I am thankful to have the wonderful husband I do. He and I had a beginning against all odds. We did everything wrong. Without God, we would definitely not be celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary this May.
He is SUCH a good father. I am so envious when I see him with our girls; they have exactly what every daughter should have growing up, exactly what I did not have. He loves God and wants His will above all. He truly is a gift to me.
Pictures of our family - How sad it would be to have no one's picture to display. My daughters, my niece and sister, my parents and in-laws; I'm thankful for them all.
My daughters, of course, are the joy in my life. They are all so wonderful and different. I thank God every day for the gifts they are and pray that they will have nothing but goodness in their lives.
Pictures of friends, present & past, sometimes both - I smile when I see them. Some of my friends who knew the old Katie from back in high school or my early twenties, I wonder what they think now. I certainly hope they see a difference. I love to think about why God has had us cross paths again. Interesting possibilities...
Art made by kids - My house is covered in it, but the coveted spot is the refrigerator. Their artwork is made and given in love. The picture my niece drew for me is up there, and when she sees that I kept it and put it in a place of honor, I hope she'll know how much I love her.
Freedom of expression and creativity are valued in this house -- so much that I let Hope put stickers on the wall. Her "Ooooohhhh" was too much to resist, she thought it was just so pretty.
Magnets - They hold things that show we have a purpose, goals, work to do...and a good life. Faith's dentist magnet means that we have health care and can afford for her to be seen by a dentist. Other magnets are simply decorative, but they hold resources and schedules. This is a blessing and a reminder to be thankful for busy days, days filled and not empty.
Bible verses - The foundation our house is built on. Nourishment for the journey. A light in the dark. Where we turn when we have questions, are worried, are scared, are hurt. God's promises to us.
My God has richly blessed me. He has made up for the years of the locust.
Joel 2 The Message
I'll make up for the years of the locust,
the great locust devastation—
Locusts savage, locusts deadly,
fierce locusts, locusts of doom,
That great locust invasion
I sent your way.
You'll eat your fill of good food.
You'll be full of praises to your God,
The God who has set you back on your heels in wonder.
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