Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Hi. I have not updated this blog since 2011. Since then we have:

*moved twice

*went through a foreclosure
*had our vehicle repossessed
*nearly declared bankruptcy, but chose to do the hard thing and pay off debt
*oh, and I severely injured my knee

That's the bad stuff :) But there has been LOTS of good stuff, too. Why is it so much easier to list the bad??

*my marriage has grown stronger

*my love for my God has grown deeper and wider
*my friendships have grown sweeter
*my kids are growing up into sweet, smart, amazing, beautiful young women
*I *know* who I am and Whose I am more than ever

I read Jesus Calling by Sarah Young (pretty much) every morning. I love the voice she used to write it and well, since she says it was the voice of God speaking to her, that makes sense. I never read it without being affected in a good way by it.

Today's entry had the word "decimate" in it and that struck me so hard. It even made me go to the dictionary to look up the true meaning.

dec - i - mate -- verb -- "kill, destroy, or remove a large part of."

It said that the Light of Jesus "decimates the darkness". That is a powerful image because we all know how oppressive, frightful and overwhelming darkness is. It seems so strong. But it's not stronger than Him.

I've seen darkness. I've experienced "dark nights of the soul" and dark physical nights in which I thought dawn would never come. Things are always easier to handle when it's light out, I think.

God's Light decimating the darkness has been a comforting thought for me all day. When I think about the darkness that wants to devour people I love, and me as well, I will remember what I read.

"...and His life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it." John 1:4-5

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